美國綏和華裔 、 德智校友聯誼會

慶祝  越南 綏和德智學校
                    80 周年校慶!

        童言--- 偶語 。 

      稿於美國南加州 柔似蜜市
                       潘 直行

Đợi Mong
Trời mưa biển nhớ đầu mùa
Gánh theo hình ảnh tôi ra phương này
Nào Em ngồi ngĩ̉ ai đây
Tuổi xuân đánh mấy sợi dây tơ hồng
Lần về ngắm cảnh biển đông
Sóng tình gợi nhớ mà mông gặp nàng
Biển Vu bải đá chất chồng
Một vùng kỷ niệm thổi bồng giấc mơ
Hàng Dương cảnh đẹp nên thơ
Nhắc người viển xứ dại khờ lãng du
Hôm về đứng giữa mùa Thu
Cơn mưa nước đổ tiếng ru trong lòng
Lá vàng trở giấc tuổi hồng
Bao nhiêu kỷ niệm theo dòng thả trôi
Khơi chi dĩ vãng hởi ôi
Tình đời cay đắng ai thôi người đời

慶祝  越南 綏和德智學校
                    80 周年校慶!           
        童言———— 偶語 。 

      稿於美國南加州 柔似蜜市



我本人曾是綏和溟南和華僑兩小學校的莘莘學子. 如今我已是亇年邁過半世紀的老太婆. 巧洽獲得 先綏和德智小學,原校長吳坤杏先生介紹,在網站上看到綏和德智小學的種 種集會與活動也閱讀了吳 校長的大作, 介紹德智小學的歴史. 使我想起好多往事, 心觸 有所感動, 手癢癢. 所以執筆冒味寫下 這篇小寫. 把我各人的心思與懷念, 就借用這網 站陳述以下的童年往事與大家分享.

我的童年時代,正是逢火臨泯之年. 講來好笑. 我本還穿著背後下部開窗的褲子. (當時 還是很落後, 物質非常缺乏. 沒有目前給小孩子用的尿布(Diapers)這麼方便, 等等…). 我想,在我能自行走路 時刻, 母親就給我穿上此類的褲子. 在我滿五歲時, 母親給我 換上另一種成人穿的褲子. 不久就讓我 上學去. 當地唯一的中文學校, 是溟南 小學. 我 永遠都不會忘記第一天到學校的種種事件. 我才是個五歲的小孩子. 集 在一間教室有 六十多位大哥大姐一齊學習. 教室內有幾位老師一齊監教我們, 教 導我的老師, 是我三 家姐, 韓秀竹老師. 我的第一堂國語課文是: 看看看, 看新書, 新書好看. 這幾個字就已 和我結下難忘的童年回意. 又想起開始學寫字的時候, 我的韓老師要托著我的手, 一筆 一 畫慢慢地教我寫完個 "看〞字. 下課鐘響了, 大哥大姐們都出去玩耍, 我還在慢慢地 學一筆一 畫地寫 我的功課. 心裡老想到走廊去跳繩去. 就這樣天天跟我兄姐一齊到課 堂去, 他們都瑯瑯上手, 而我收 益不多, 趕不上. 下一亇學期當然是留班了, 這是理所 當然的事. 笑笑! 戰亂時代, 那來的幼稚園班, 適合我當時初學的幼童程度. 我好羨慕目 前的莘莘學子, 什麼預備入學班(Pre-school), 或幼稚 園班等等, 應有盡有, 都在給 他們辦得週到. 好幸福呀!

更艱難的, 是當年我們每每在上課時, 如有警報鐘響, 大家–齊蜂擁地逃到防空豪去避 難. 如果只是 過路飛機, 聽到觧除鐘響, 大家又一齊回到自已的座位, 老師繼續講課. 但有時不辛的是, 真的來了 架恐炸機, 炮鎗, 炸彈, 飛機聲, 各種各樣的爆炸聲, 一斉 在我們的頭上猛響. 耳幕都快要 被炸彈聲 穿破了. 等觧 除鐘聲響了, 大家才一斉蜂擁 出來. 這時我們才知道誰人還生存, 或已受傷, 或已送 命等等. 這只是白天 的遭遇, 晚 間另有一套可怕的恐懼. 家家戶戶, 不論大小, 每人隨時都備 有逃 難的包袱, 晚間不論 何時 何刻, 叁更半夜警報鐘聲響了, 即刻要離家出走, 牽男帶女離開綏和 市, 走到郊外 去. 有時海上的法國 戰艦, 一聲一聲地開炮過來, 不辛者中彈送命了. 我眼見到好幾位 親朋好友, 和無數計的本地居民就這 樣在逃亡時, 在路上被子彈激中當塲送命了. 殘酷 又殘忍! 我的 童年就在這無日夜之分, 和無法律保障 的環境中過去, 多少辛酸淚水, 一 家大少也只好硬挨過去. 至1953年代, 幸獲得家中的叁哥, 從西貢, 越山過海, 花了多 天的時間, 終於抵達綏和與我們久別 重逢. 這時喜樂, 悲傷交激感受, 是筆墨難以表達. 更領人心酸的是, 吾兄在一間破裂, 人家的屋詹下找到我們. 你們可想, 有家不能歸的 苦楚嗎?

目前獲知德智學校的學生們, 都很有成就. 有的是名醫學博士, 牙醫博士, 律師, 科學專 家, 碩士, 各科 各目都有綏和學者後裔提名. 可不是大家的光榮嗎. 在此也不忘祝福大 家多多努力! 寄期望下 一代更往 前邁進, 世世代代造福眾人.

一個無名小卒, 寫於內心的感概. "點滴童年往事只能迥味也"

My lovely Duc-Tri School

Last week one of my friends was extremely excited to tell me about Duc-Tri's website. I am so astonished and happy for the first time in more than 40 years that I have not had a chance to go back to Tuy-Hoa to see how our beloved school looked like. However, the picture of our lovely school is now on the front page bringing back lots of fabulous memories of my childhood. Even though it's a small school, but the most beautiful memory I have is at Duc-Tri Elementary School.

I believe that we all should get involved in any activity related to the community. I am extremely excited about Duc-Tri's party and I will be there to join the party no matter what happens. I truly think Duc-Tri's website is the soul of Duc-Tri community, through which we have an opportunity to review our marvelous good, old days. We should be proud to show it to our younger generation what we had been through. I almost access to Duc-Tri's website every day, although it has been just established recently with great efforts and passionate dedication from Tanya. We'd like her to know we are very grateful for her talented contribution to the prosperity of Duc-Tri community. I sincerely urge all Duc-Tri's alumni giving her a hand by sending your valuable black & white old pictures, essays, articles, comments, poems, pictures, video clips, looking for friends, everything which is related to Duc-Tri community.

With "Union and Harmony", we surely will build our strong community starting from now and we must have our younger generation getting involved. Then they can carry on this valuable tradition with pride and big smile on their faces.

We are aware and acknowledge that many Duc-Tri's families have very successful children in USA. Many of our younger generation have become doctors and lawyers. Some even hold high positions in business, banking, real estate, accounting, investment, etc…We deserve to be proud of our hardship in building up our younger generation in this new land. Therefore, I'd like to take this opportunity briefly explaining the meaning of our beloved school's name in my humble understanding to our younger generation and also urge them to get involved in our activities for the sake and the prosperity of the community.

德 means virtue, morals, 智means knowledgeable, intelligent, smart. These two characteristics are very crucial value for this society. I believe our school's name is the most meaningful name among many Chinese schools in Viet-Nam. I, myself really love and respect our school's name. Our ultimate goal in life is to achieve both of these valuable characteristics because lacking one of these will not be good enough. Obtaining 德 virtue only, one will easily become mislead and superstitious. Obtaining intelligence only, one will also easily become arrogant, cruel and tyrant, such as Hitler, Mao Trach Dong, and the Japanese emperor who had led millions of people in a horrible devastation and endless miserable. Therefore, our ultimate goal in life is to develop with all exhaustive efforts in achieving these two characteristics as our school's name is implied.

Sincerely wishing our website the best …

德啟浪子 2010

Mưa Sầu 

Nhìn qua song cửa , bên ngoài mưa rơi
Mắt nhìn đâm đâm, cảnh vật tịnh mịch
Mây mù âm u, cây lá lây đọng
Tiếng gió rít lên, từng cơn từng đợt

Âm thanh mưa gió, tạo thành nhạc khúc
Nỗi niềm thương nhớ, biết tỏ cùng ai
Tâm hồn ray rứt, lòng anh thổn thức
Hình bóng yêu kiều, giọng em thỏ thẻ

Lọn tóc em gởi, vẫn mãi bên anh
Lòng anh khắc khoải, tình cảnh trớ trêu
Bâng khuâng sầu ai, chỉ muốn gào thét
Ngậm ngùi sót xa, chôn kín đấy lòng
