February 27, 2020
Dear Friends and families,
Due to fear of coronavirus spread, the Board of Ductri Tuyhoa Association regrets to inform you that our event planned on 3/7/20 at New Capital Seafood Restaurant in Monterey Park has been postponed until further notice. We hope to host it again later this year depending on the situation.
We apology for any inconvenient this might have caused and hope to see you again soon. All paid tickets will be refunded accordingly.
Wish you all happy and good health.
Binh Q Hang, President
Board of Ductri Tuyhoa Association
大家吉祥, 困緊急情况,很多鄉親和校友們擔心肺炎病毒傳染,所以經過本會常務顧問及理監事委員們商討,我們委員會一致同意決定取消在三月七日(星期六)的春節聯歡晚會。
已經講票的郷親,校友們,請回原處退票。很抱歉並懇請各位轉告親朋好友。謝謝大家。 順祝平安健康。
美國綏和華裔 德智校友聯誼會
會長 : 韓國平
暨 全體理監事 啟
Quý đồng hương và thân hữu,
Vì hiểm họa dịch bệnh "Corona", mà hiện nay đang trên đà bành trướng, Hội Ái Hữu Đức Trí Tuy Hòa xin thông báo:
DẠ TIỆC LIÊN HOAN của Hội được dự trù vào Thứ Bảy, ngày 7 tháng 03 năm 2020 tại New Capital Seafood Restaurant ĐÀNH PHẢI BỊ HỦY BỎ. Chúng tôi hy vọng sẽ được dời lại cuối năm nếu tình hình trở lại bình thường.
Thành thật cáo lỗi cùng quý đồng hương, thân hữu, quý hội đoàn bạn, quý cơ quan truyền thông và quý anh chị nghệ sĩ. Hy vọng chúng ta sẽ sớm gặp nhau trong một dịp khác.
Trân trọng thông báo,
Hội Trưởng: Hàng Quốc Bình
BCH Hội Ái Hữu Đức Trí Tuy Hòa
美國綏和華裔 、 德智校友聯誼會
April 13, 2021
Dear Friends, due the increasing cost of maintaining this webpage, we regret to inform you that it will be discontinued effective 5/1/2021. We will migrate photos and other posts to Ductrituyhoa Facebook as much as possible. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact Mr. Binh Q Hang at binh.hang@gmail.com or myself at kathy.banh@yahoo.com. Thank you for your continuing participation and support of Ductrituyhoa Association.
Kathy Banh
April 12, 2021
本綱站創立於二零一零年,迄今己歷經十一年當時開始本會綱站旨在聯誼及報導散居環球各地鄉親,校友,生活狀況⋯⋯ 至今算是己完成其階段任務。茲因受大環境的影響,科技綱路,徵信,Facebook⋯⋯發展,平面媒體面臨考驗,本會綱站越來越少人參加一切的活動⋯⋯。第三屆理監事「綱站組」於二零二一年 ,四月十二日(星期一)召開常務會議,「通過電話,發Email )決定今年五月一號起停止本會綱站!。 事非得己,敬盼各位鄉親,校友,讀者,⋯體諒,本會「綱站」同仁深深感謝大家歷年來支持及愛護 !
備註: 我真的感謝韩雪香和彭美嬌綱站組長,感謝妳们熱愛工作的頜導,這麼多年來在百忙之中,克服種種的困難,抽出寶貴的時間對綱路做的一切的一切⋯⋯ !請接受我最真心的感謝!感恩的心!感謝有妳!
美國綏和華裔 德智校友聯誼會
會 長 : 韓國平
暨全體理監事,綱站組 敬啟
October 23, 2019
Dear friends and families,
As part of our commitment to host a gathering for our community every two years, the Ductri Tuyhoa Association would like to invite you for a Chinese New Year Celebration on Saturday, March 7, 2020 at New Capital Seafood Restaurant, 755 W. Garvey Ave., Monterey Park, CA 91754 at 6:00 PM.
Admission is $60 per person. Program will include live band, singing, dancing, and raffles. The theme of the party will be "Shanghai Beach". Women please wear traditional or modified cheongsam and men please wear dark suits with scarves. If you haven't had such outfits, there is still plenty of time to order online or purchase in Chinatown.
We are looking forward to see you all there. Please contact officers below for tickets and additional information.
Best regards,
Binh Q Hang, President (626) 374-4618
Dave Tran, Supervisor (626) 374-8516
Anmy Banh, Vice President (626) 418-4888
Nhu Hang, Entertainment (626) 409-8118
Nick Ngo, Treasurer (626) 537-5055
Kathy Banh, Advisor and Past Term President (626) 348-6726